Pastor Ken
Psalm 118:24
The LORD has done it this very day; let us rejoice today and be glad.
Grab hold of what this psalm is saying. It is saying that today is your day! Today is your opportunity! Today is your day to worship the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Today is your day to have your sins forgiven and to have your life transformed. Today is your day to bring your needs and your petitions before God’s throne of grace. Today is your day to be blessed. And today is your day to be a blessing to others.
So, regardless of what anybody else thinks or says, you need to do everything you can to take advantage of today because once it’s gone, it’s gone forever; you are not getting it back.
That kind of mindset is essential for the church. It’s essential that we agree, “This is the day the Lord has made, and I absolutely, positively will not let anyone or anything keep me from being glad in it. I will not let sickness stop me from being glad in it. I will not let debt stop me from being glad in it. I will not let trouble stop me from being glad in it. And I most definitely will not let somebody else’s opinion stop me from being glad in it.”
That may come off as a bit militant, but based on what I read about the Acts 2 church, it appears to be a militancy which attracted people to the Gospel.
How are you attracting people to the Gospel? What are you doing do demonstrate, before others, your gladness in what God has provided today? Today is your day; take advantage of it!
Have a great Monday.